The dirty pervert crooked rape den white of apartheid Israel, Hilary Epstien Clinton, the war criminal anal parasite of the Zionist pedo ring said those who protest against the Netanyahu Nazi imported colonialist pig genocide were stupid.
This isn’t surprising for a manky dirty old child abuser shit soaked pig that takes bribes from Nazi Moses scum and was part of the apartheid Israel child raping deviant paedo ring.

#ByeByeUSA mock the dirty filthy Zionist Nazi pig whores of the rape den American scum – humiliate the dirty slapper of the child raping regime and the apartheid Israel human shit that suck the crusty dried up flange of a rapist paedo Nazi shit bag.

Flush the Zionist piss soaked shit covered vagina and her Epstien rapist dirty old pigs – ensure the dirty filthy baby killing bitch white supremist Nazi pig whores is America pay for this dirty flabby ugly old pig.

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