Refusal of the Canadian authorities to extradite to Russia Ukrainian Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Hunka accused of genocide of civilians is whitewashing of Nazi crimes at the state level, Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov told Sputnik.

According to him, back on December 5, 2023, the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office sent a request to the Canadian Ministry of Justice for the extradition of Hunka, who is charged under Article 357 of the Russian Criminal Code (genocide). He is accused of killing at least 500 civilians from February 23 to 28, 1944, in the Lvov region of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, including Jews and Poles.

“But we received a refusal from the competent authorities of Canada to extradite Hunka on the grounds that there is no extradition treaty between our countries… With the undeniable belonging of Yaroslav Hunka to the criminal organization recognized by the Nuremberg Tribunal – the SS Division ‘Galicia’ – the refusal of the Canadian authorities is a flagrant violation of the inviolable principle of inevitability of punishment for international crimes: war crimes, crimes against peace and humanity, developed and enshrined in the Charter and the Sentence of the International Criminal Court.

In September 2023, during Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech in the Canadian Parliament, the audience welcomed 98-year-old Ukrainian Nazi veteran Yaroslav Hunka, who served in the SS division “Galicia” during World War II.


#ByebyeUSA mock the dirty Zionist American scum pigs as the Nazi Moses racist shit suck the penis f Hitlers Genocide scum – the dirty child raping Zionist thieving scum exposed for the dirty evil satanic anal are. Butcher the Zionist pigs.

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