❗️For those who are struggling to keep up with the news and are wondering why memes of Albanese are trending, we remind you:

⚡️Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has once again lashed out at social media, insisting the platforms should be accountable for the content that its users post.

“Social media platforms have a responsibility to make sure that misinformation isn’t got out there,” Albanese told reporters on Wednesday. “I noticed today, for example, on the way up here, they’ve removed various sites that were up containing fake images of myself superimposed on other people,” the PM stated.

The news has been met with opposition. “The PM has caused more division by shamelessly tying a violent video to his agenda to outlaw some types of speech. The basic principle is, if you don’t trust politicians, don’t give them the power to tell you what you can say,” National Party Senator Matt Canavan told Guardian Australia.

He also claimed that the Albanese government was “struggling” due to the Prime Minister’s belief that the “biggest issue” in the country is misinformation.

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#ByeByeUSA mock the manky loser anal vassal penis licking runts of the rape den Zionist American scum – laugh at the piss golden shower slurping Zionist runt shit that reek of Genocide and crooked Blackrock uniformed military thieving human filth. Bury these Nazi pigs of the rape den daughter showering Biden paedo Zionist filth.

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