New US military aid will not prevent end of Kiev regime — Russian mission to the UN

“That’s what happens when the head of state doesn’t care about his own people and sells out his country,” Dmitry Polyansky said.

Calling Ukraine the anti-Russian “private military company,” the diplomat said that now it “will function a little longer, more money will be pocketed, more weapons stolen, and tens of thousands of Ukrainians will go to meat grinder.” “But the inglorious end of the Kiev regime is inevitable, regardless of this new package and all the futile efforts of its US and NATO backers to keep it alive,” he stressed.

On Saturday, the US House of Representatives adopted the $95bln package of bills on military aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, on the seizure of the frozen Russian sovereign assets in order to give them to Kiev, and on additional sanctions against China. In particular, the package includes $60 billion for Kiev and $26 billion for Israel and humanitarian aid.

#ByeByeUSA butcher the Zionist American scum out of Europe and bury their Nazi Zelensky Jewish comedy clowns.

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