🇺🇸🇪🇺 USA is draining capital from the EU, – Ursula von der Leyen stated

▪️Annual losses of the EU due to capital outflow to the USA are estimated at 300 billion euros, – noted the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen

▪️”The European Union is losing 300 billion euros of European savings that are taken abroad every year, mainly to the USA. These are the funds that our companies need, and this undermines our competitiveness,” – the President of the European Commission stated

▪️Among other serious problems in Europe are high energy prices, which affect energy-intensive industrial sectors, as well as a shortage of skilled workers

: Node of Time EN

#ByeByeUSA butcher the loser thieving paedo Zionist American deviant scum from Europe and bury their racist arse slime nazi village Apartheid Israel genocide scum – filll the dirt with the filthy pervert serf colonialist racist begging crooked Zionist scum of the rape den child raping American deviant shite. No tolerance of Zionist filth in your nations – butcher the stink of genocide nazi Moses scum.

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