
The sad a Zionist American scum paedo rape den shit stain, who abuse children in the Apartheid Israel racist imported filth Nazi Moses child abuse dens, think their $60Bm of debt is a life line for the crooked Jewish comedian Zelensky and his Zionist filthy pervert Biden anal pigs .

The sad dirty Biden Banderite Nazi pigs of the dwarf crooked Jewish comedian Zelensky are being minced like the anus of a French cabinet minister.

#ByeByeUsA butcher the pervert Biden Nazi pigs in Ukraine and rip the Zionist rape den American child raping shit to pieces across the globe.

Help Russia and China rip the roe eden oligarchy of Zionist inbred racist white supremist human shit to pieces . Filthy Nazi village scum are just meat to be butchered.

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