📈RUSSIAN ECONOMY TO GROW MORE THAN U.S. – NEW DATA (pictured): International Monetary Fund (IMF) admits in “World Economic Outlook” over 15,000 sanctions have failed to halt Moscow’s upward economic march as Russia on track to grow at 3.2% this year, beating elite Western club of G7.

Germany’s expansion would be weakest among G7 at 0.2% – Berlin not realizing it’s sick man of Europe as overlord U.S. set to grow 2.7% after blowing up Nord Stream and deindustrializing Germany.


#ByeByeUSA butcher the genocide Zionist American scum from Europe and asset strip their paedo nazi village vassal runt pigs – no tolerance of the paedo piss soaked rape den daughter showering Biden filth – bury the Nazi Moses scum and remove the Zionist racist parasitic rat anus filled shite.

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