Laugh at the dirty filthy loser Zionist racist scum as the genocide nazi Moses European pigs of the American filth suck the daughter dowsing Biden anus for free money.

The dwarf runt Zelensky doesn’t realise that the dirty shit Apartheid Israel pigs have all the child raping videos of Epstein and PDiddy perverts abusing children and the Ukrainians are out of Nazi fodder piss so no money for Asov shitters..

🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇦The decision of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson to divide American aid to Israel and Ukraine is a disgrace, says Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky.

“This means that this is not about security. This is pure politics. And this is a shame for the whole world and for democracy. For those who talk only about democracy, this is just talk,” Zelensky said in an interview with the American television company PBS. In his opinion, “if Congress divides this aid into Israeli and Ukrainian, this means that this is an issue of elections in the United States.”

“This is pure politics. Nobody cares what happens in Ukraine. They only care about their approval rating, that’s the point,” the president concluded.


#ByeByeUSA mock the Zionist filthy tramp begging scum as the rape den Nazi Moses shit suck American anus for cash like a dirty fave slave kneeling bitch Kamala – worth;sec useless thieving racist Nazi village filth of the war criminal colonialist scum – bury these anal parasites of the Zionist American scum

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