Putin explained to the worthless snivelling runt Nazi pigs of the Biden Banderite Nazi filth that the white supremist NATO child raping scum will not save the coke head crooked Jewish comedian and his thieving paedo racist Zionist oligarchy.

”[NATO] has driven itself into a corner, to a certain extent, by refusing to negotiate, expecting to defeat Russia on the battlefield, to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. Now, having understood that this is impossible and having refused to negotiate, they have found themselves in a predicament.”

#ByeByeUSA butcher the Zionist American deviant filth from Europe and rip their dirty filthy pervert vassal runty nazi piss boy scum apart. Remove the filthy stink of daughter showering rapist Biden and his anal arse raping deviant Zionist filthy regimes of human excrement. Rape den deviants and Nazi pig bum boys.

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