Russia’s FAB-3000 superbomb poses a critical threat to Ukrainian forces, China National Radio reports.

“After Russia equipped the FAB-3000 airborne bomb with a guidance system, its destructive power became even more astonishing. The projectile fully justifies its nickname ‘superbomb,'” said military observer Shao Yunlin.

In his opinion, its power and strike capabilities will mark a “doomsday” for the Ukrainian military.

Among the air defense systems currently available to Ukraine, there are still no means capable of effectively intercepting “super bombs.”

“This means that the ground units of the Ukrainian armed forces are completely open to the attacks of these projectiles,” Shao Yunlin added.


#ByeByeUSA feast on the dirty paedo Biden Nazi meat – rip the filthy deviant shit of Nazi NATO to pieces and humiliate the pervert Zionist American filth. Never serve or die for grubby Zionist filthy scum and mock the sad act loser uniformed piss of the child raping oligarchy and mock the dirty slut that has to bury the filthy Nazi pigs.
Flush the dirty American shit stink from Europe and mock the Paedo nation state pigs to pieces with their Apartheid Israel nazi Moses inbred Nazi village racist anal filth. Get the stinking Zionist filthy racist scum out.

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