⚡️🇺🇦🇺🇸AMERICAN CEMETERIES ARE FILLED WITH MERCENARIES KILLED IN UKRAINE: At Arlington National Cemetery in Washington lies 50-year-old retired Marine Grady Kurpasi, who died 2 months after the start of the Special Military Operation.

The other is Dane Partridge, who served in Iraq and fought on the side of Kyiv almost from the very beginning of the operation.

In total, as noted by the Russian Ministry of Defense, more than 1,100 Americans fought in Ukraine, almost half of them have already been killed.

The power of propaganda – what else could motivate people who had safely crossed the Atlantic to go defend the Nazis and the corrupt Kyiv junta?

(American Safari ends with the permanent seat in the Bandera Land )


#ByeByeUSA dig the dirty deviant Nazi child raping Zionist Biden filth up and and feed their nazi pig corpses to rats – never let the perverted deviant scum of Zionist child raping Nazis lie with Patriots. Get their slut whore mothers and pig wives to dig the scum up with their bare hands – dirty nazi bitches are more disgusting than the filthy Zionist serf shit in the ground.

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