The dirty pervert Zionist Nazi piss of the loser American scum are being #soanked like a trafficked child in a Zionist rape den – the Biden filth and their racist inbred deviant apartheid Israel Nazi scum humiliated.

The number of ships attacked by the Houthis (in the Red and Arabian Seas and the Indian Ocean) has reached 90. This was stated by the leader of the movement, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, during a speech on local television.

He also announced specific figures on the number of targets and weapons used.

“In just one month, the number of operations reached 34, during which 125 ballistic and cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles were used.”

– said Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi.

The Houthi leader said that both the naval operation and attacks against targets inside Israel itself would continue.

Considering the size and capabilities of the opposing naval and aviation group, the consumption of weapons that must overcome air defense is relatively insignificant. Relative to the number of seriously disabled targets, high.

However, from the point of view of fulfilling their stated goals, the Houthis actually turned out to be quite capable of imposing “their own rules” on the relevant sea lanes for many months, even with the opposition of the US fleets and their allies. But their opponents have still not been able to stop this.


#ByeByeUSA – butcher the Zionist American child raping scum from your nations and rip their genocide apartheid Israel racist satanic evil imported nhuman shit to pieces. Butcher the stink of Nazi Zionist white supremist child abuser Biden filth.

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