The installed dwarf piss stained runt that stinks of rape den Zionist American loser child abuser pig penis, was told leaving #NATO, the Nazi bum boy loser shit head pigs of the Biden Banderite nazi pig organisation would save £20Bn per year.

The UK pays £20Bn to the Ukrainian loser Nazi Biden asov Zionist piss and contributes £10Bn to the crooked degenerate NATO loser Axis EU piss per year to watch their arse get #spanked like a dirty whore in a Biden mansion.

#ByeByeUSA remove the stink of pervert deviant Zionist American loser scum – rip the filthy Nazi shit of Biden to pieces and ensure their Apartheid Israel genocide racist imported bigoted are butchered.

Never serve or die for dirty Nazi Zionist American paedos and mock the traitor piss in uniform that do – brick the pigs of the pigs. But what the American scum from Europe and asset strip their Zionist dwarf runt shit like Sunak – paedo installed traitor scum.

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