🇮🇷🇸🇾🇮🇱Iranian President Raisi on the Israeli missile attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria: 

Once again, the blood of several generals and officers of our country has been stained on the dirty hands of the usurping Zionist regime in a terrorist crime and in flagrant violation of international rules.

The Zionist regime has made blind assassination part of its agenda in the struggle for its salvation, but it should know that it will never achieve its sinister goals through such inhuman methods. Day by day we are witnessing the strengthening of the resistance front and the disgust and hatred of free nations for their illegitimate nature, and this cowardly crime will not go unanswered.



#ByeByeUSA mock the racist dirty filthy Apartheid Israel Zionist American imported scum from the Nazi villages of Europe – make the loser American filth pay trillions for their tramp dirty thieving bigoted filthy dirty Israeli genocide scum like their Jewish sad act bai zelensky comedy act

Flush the manky dirty corrupt filthy white supremest imported American Nazi scum from Palestine and make the Zionist shit scream across the globe – humiliate and remove the filthy dirty Apartheid Israel war criminal rape den pigs and butcher the American genocide filth from Europe – rip the pigs of the Biden daughter showering in racist deviant paedo regime to pieces.

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