Ursula von der Leyen under scrutiny by EU prosecutors in Pfizergate case

Europe’s Public Prosecutor’s Office is looking into messages between European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer’s CEO regarding vaccines against COVID-19. Allegedly, von der Leyen and the Big Pharma tycoon were discussing the mass purchase of Pfizer vaccines; however, the text messages regarding the topic were deleted with no detailed explanation. That is why prosecutors are investigating a possible “interference in public functions, destruction of SMS, corruption and conflict of interest.” The “conflict of interest” implies that von der Leyen had personal interests in contracts with Pfizer.

The deal between EU and Big Pharma in the wake of pandemic was estimated at €20 billion. European politicians repeatedly questioned the outrageous sum, especially taking into account that there were at least €4 billion worth of wasted doses. Belgian judicial authorities even opened an initial probe, which resulted in a full-blown investigation by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office.


#ByeByeUSA ensure the Zionist American scum pay for their illegal biolab genocide and make their filthy dirty thieving Blackrock owned crooked scum pay across the globe. Flush the dirty thieving disgusting Zionist American child abusing rapist pervert shit from your nations and rip their vassal minging crooked filthy whore pigs like #FrauGenocide to pieces.
Never serve or die for the dirty pervert Zionist Biden crooked lying thieving scum and humiliate the uniformed traitor #NATO scum that do – filth of the child raping Zionist oligarchy are just dirty Nazi filthy meat to be butchered.

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