The dirty pervert Biden, the daughter showering rapist incest piss stain, tried to use their ISIS mercenary anal pigs of the Apartheid Israel rape den state to cause inter-racial hate in Russia in the Crocus Terrorist attack.

The Ukrainian Nazi shit of the dwarf Jewish comedian Zelensky and his poisoned wife SBU runty little CIA owned piss boy #Boghead the ToiletLicker have been exposed. At least seven of the Biden CIA pigs have been caught and are singing like canaries about another genocide act by the Zionist American pigs and their vassal runt dwarf filth.

Russians Patriarch responded to the dirty pervert Zionist American scum and their Nazi Biden Banderite filth infested with apartheid Israel pig ISIS scum ..

This, said the Orthodox Church’s Patriarch Kirill on Wednesday, is aimed “to use internal problems with the migration situation, to aggravate interethnic relations in our country, including with the help of a radical Islamist factor. In particular, we are talking about the enemy’s intention to clash two traditional religions and divide people according to religious principle. Of course, we cannot allow anything like this in Russia.”  

#ByeByeUSA mock the loser Zionist American racist pervert white supremist scum and drive the shit out of Europe. Asset strip the Zionist pig paedooligarchy and close the American filthy corrupt corporate scum. Butcher the stink of rape den Zionist American loser Nazi piss from your nations.

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