The filthy dirty flabby ugly thieving Zionist shit stain, that danced with the Apartheid Israel Nazi as the imported racist pig scum of the Zionist American filthy rape den whilst the pigs committed genocide, got spanked by Colombia.

The gibbering flabby sweaty inbred Zionist runt pig of the Biden rape den child abusers ran his mouth while his own people starve on another nation – his junta Zionist Nazi piss are bankrupt. Just another dirty troll crooked Zionist pig of the rape den American child raping oligarchy.
Colombia has ordered the expulsion of Argentinian diplomats to the Andean nation, with the Colombian foreign ministry citing “denigrating” comments by Argentinian President Javier Milei about Colombian President Gustavo Petro.

#ByeByeUSA mock this fat crooked bloated twat of the pervert Biden scum and flush the stinking piss Zionist shit from Argentina. Crooked thieving genocide arse slime of the apartheid Israel racist human shit are disgusting.

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