The sad dirty German old twat of the installed Zionist American rape den pigs want to lead Europe to war with Russia and China and send more Nazi EU filthy piss into the dirt with the Ukrainian pigs and NATO ‘mercenary’shit boys.

The crooked mental bargain of Germany, whose corruption and incompetence is legendary, is just a sad thick joke of the child raping Zionist flabby inbred World economic Forum sausage sucking arse pigs of the globalist rape den dwellers like #RapistGates and inbred filthy pervert Rothschild ugly scum.

#ByeByeUSA mock the loser Zionist American filth as no one will die for a manky German whore of the Nazi piss nation..Butcher the American scum from Europe and slaughter the Zionist possessed vagina Nazi pig. Frau genocide will soon be gone and hunted like a Nazi Hitler pig.

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