The Zionist American loser scum and their dwarf runt pervert vassal installed scum are keen to spew whatever lies are needed to blame ISIS for the ‘Nasty surprise’ terror attack by the CIA rape den child abusers. The Biden Nazi piss soaked media scum are desperate to say it wasn’t the CIA child raping Epstein pigs. M

#Daria Dugina murder by their #Gestapo ukronazi bum chums shows the Zionist American pervert CIA operates the racist filthy piss of Ukraine along with the shit of humanity from Taiwan to the nonce crooked rape den oligarchy of Epstien king in the UK.

However, Like Nordstream, , the manky dirty pervert war criminal Zionist shit already telegraphed their intent with their fat twat manky bloated pug #Nuland Nazi and the warnings issued by the piss embassy of America in Moscow.

#ByeByeUSA the sad dirty media Zionist shit can’t hide the complicit in another American shit soaked pig terror attack using their Apartheid Israel racist anal pigs in ISIS or Hamas and their is a nasty surprise heading to Jabba Nuland and her fat twat Aparthied Israel anal boy Kagaan turda.

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