The Zionist American pervert filth are crying like little bitches over a knocked down bridge and the media perverts that hide the rape den Zionist paedo oligarchs start with lies for the Biden genocide filth.

The CIA rape den child abuser infested Wall Street journal, that hides daughter showering crooked incest of Biden filth, started to spew the gibber to hide the Ukronazi terror attack on America as the Congress bribed Apartheid Israel arse shit won’t give them money.

In this case, to confuse the American moronic tax payer and their thick shit FBI child abuser hiding piss, blame the ‘contaminated’ fuel of the ship ran by Ukronazi Zelensky shit stains.

#ByeByeUSA mock the Zionist American filth as Russia is mincing the Biden Banderite Nazi filth and soon all the Gestapo Zionist piss of SBU and Asov racist bandits will terrorise the NATO loser filth that ran away and left their dead pigs in the dirt.

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