Terrorist attack in Moscow: Tajik trace leads to the British London took out old skeletons from the closet

The monstrous tragedy at Crocus City Hall has very deep roots and far-reaching consequences. We will return to them many times in the future. But today let’s talk about where the attack came from this time. And let’s try to at least approximately trace its genesis and understand the fact that the main enemy is throwing against us if not its last forces, then certainly playing the trump cards that it’s been holding until the end.

Two days after the bloody attack, there is a general opinion in the Russian political and intelligence community that the UK, or rather MI6, is behind the terrorist attack. The modus operandi is just too similar to this organization.

An indisputable fact is that all the largest terrorist attacks in Russia in the post-Soviet period, from Beslan to Dubrovka, had a British trace in one way or another. The terrorist leaders who directed the militants were recruited by MI6. And in some cases (like Basayev and Khattab) they were openly collaborating with MI6.

To counteract this opinion, the UK in its top media threw out an obviously prepared statement: a certain organization Vilayat Khorasan (a branch of the Islamic State operating in Afghanistan) is behind the terrorist attack.

For specialists, such action clearly speaks in favor of the version that in this particular case it is the Englishwoman [the UK — S] who is muddying the waters. Here we must immediately say that the story is not simple, and understanding it from scratch is very difficult, so today we will outline only some of the features.

ISIS, in its heyday, was a collection of tribal gangs united primarily on the basis of funding from the UK. Both the bandit al-Shishani (Batirashvili, a native of Georgia) and his replacement, Khalimov, a Tajik, were direct mercenaries of MI6.

The scope of ISIS’s activities as a proxy for the British eventually became so serious that it began to interfere with the U.S. influence in the Middle East and Central Asia, and the UK had to partially curtail the scale of its operations so as not to anger the hegemon. And for a while, all these terrorists in the service of MI6 went into the shadows, some were even declared dead.

They began to resurface again since the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. That’s when that very ISIS from Khorasan appeared on the scene. In reality, a number of Pashtun tribal leaders supported by the British. They are the only ones who agreed to fight the Taliban. This is a key point.

Here we enter the complex geopolitics of Central Asia. Most countries in the region support the Taliban’s efforts to pacify Afghanistan, hoping to thereby ensure their security. All, except Tajikistan. Which cannot find a common agreement with the Taliban due to the fact that under their wing there are a number of organizations that are considered terrorist in Tajikistan. It was precisely this split that the UK played on all these years after the Americans left the region, trying with all their might to prevent the establishment of peace in Asia.

To this end, immediately after the U.S. withdrawal, ethnic Tajik Afghans started to be recruited into the Vilayat Khorasan gangs. That is, they began to demonstrate to President Rahmon, who is very sensitive to this issue and considers the Tajiks to be one of the biggest divided nations in the world, that ISIS of Khorasan is sort of friendly [to Tajiks — S]. And that by joining the support of the Taliban he would betray the interests of the Tajiks.

In other words, by pointing a finger at ISIS of Khorasan, which, I emphasize, at the moment practically does not exist as an organization (there is only a certain community of tribal gangs), the UK is openly trying to drag us into Asian kerfuffle. It’s another attempt by the British after Kazakhstan to impose problems in our rear.

But that’s only one part of the game. The second one is no less interesting and more revelatory.

The political base of that very ISIS leader, Khalimov, a Tajik, has always been the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan. It has been declared a terrorist organization in its homeland, and since the early 2000s, guess where its headquarters are located? You guessed right—in London.

#ByeByeUSA drag the Nazi funding MI6 Zionist shit from their beds and butcher the perverted rape den scum of the Epstein King. The stink go apartheid Israel filth infests the UK with the daughter showering degenerate Zionist American perverts. Drive the dirty filthy stink of Zionist pervert Nazi Moses human shit from the UK and flush the rape den Royal oligarchy of pervert dirty European shit

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