The pervert rape den bribed Zionist American scum of Apartheid Israel are starving Palestinian children.

THE U.S. GOVERNMENT will defund the United Nations agency that aids Palestinians through next year — even as 1.1 million people in Gaza face threats of famine in coming months — on the basis of flimsy allegations by Israel against a tiny minority of the agency’s staff that have yet to be proven.”

The human shit that is an American pig exposed for the dirty filthy racist white supremist Zionist degenerate filth they are.

#ByeByeUSA remove the Zionist American scum from Europe and burn their corporate filth out. Genocide filth that suck the rape den apartheid Israel Nazi Moses anus like a Kamala are pigs that should be butchered. No tolerance of the American scum and their disgusting dwarf runt vassal anal pigs like Sunak and Macron. Help Russia and China butcher the Biden filthy Zionist shit like a dwarf runt ukronazi Zelensky and his asov piss. Fill the dirt with American human shit.

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