Even the loser Zionist war criminal rape den RUSI piss are realising that #NATO and the loser Zionist American degenerate pervert war criminal paedo filth are finished.

‘Wars of attrition are won by economies enabling mass mobilisation of militaries via their industrial sectors. Armies expand rapidly during such a conflict, requiring massive quantities of armoured vehicles, drones, electronic products, and other combat equipment. Because high-end weaponry is very complex to manufacture and consumes vast resources, a high-low mixture of forces and weapons is imperative in order to win.’

#ByeByeUSA butcher the loser Zionist American human shit out of Europe and #Denazify the EU #Axis pigs so hard that the German scum are dismantled Yugoslavia style and the Macron wife dick sucking #BBC loving degenerate shit stink are bitch slapped into a grave like a legionnaire in Kiev.

Help Russia and China rip the Zionist white supremist NATO thieving pervert colonialist satanic evil scum apart and bury their genocide apartheid Israel racist Nazi Moses pigs.


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