It has been another eventful week dominated by the elections in Russia where President Putin won quite easily, as everyone expected. Ukraine ratcheted up the terror attacks while the Russians went to the polls – again, as expected. Further west, Emanuel Macron astonished many by suggesting that French troops could be deployed to Ukraine – while his shocked Defence Minister denied that this is being considered. Many European countries were quick to deny any involvement in such plans but the European Union is all for it. Most Western leaders are suggesting that Russia cannot be allowed to win in Ukraine while the front lines show signs of decay as the Ukrainians fall back slowly under increasing Russian pressure. Following the launch of a large drone/missiles attacks throughout Ukraine on the 21st and 22nd March, there is some speculation that a Russian offensive is coming soon. 

Meanwhile, Sergei Shoigu announced a massive expansion of Russia’s military forces – while Ukraine’s attempts to mobilise are causing chaos, fear and a shortage of labour. In the Middle East, the situation is much the same as the Israelis plan to invade Rafah. Netanyahu is annoying sleepy Joe who appears impotent to prevent his bloody excesses – or so they say.

#ByeByeUSA butcher the Zionist American genocide filth from Europe and rip their Nazi vassal rat piss apart. No tolerance of Biden filth – butcher the scum of the child raping apartheid Israel racist filthy oligarchs. Rip the Zionist stinking thieving crooked scum out your nations – genocide filthy Israeli scum are no longer part of humanity – bury the Netanyahu filthy racist lying thieving Nazi village animals across the globe

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