Peskov: Confiscation of income from frozen assets of the Russian Federation will damage the EU

If 90% of the income from Russian assets frozen in Europe is confiscated, the European Union (EU) will suffer economic and reputational damage, and the individuals responsible for these decisions will be prosecuted in courts, said Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the President of Russia.

Europeans are well aware of the damage such decisions can cause to their economy and their image <…> Damage will be inevitable. Individuals involved in making such decisions, as well as the states making these decisions, will naturally be subject to legal prosecution for many decades,

 Peskov stated.

Undoubtedly, the EU stands to lose far more than the $3 billion they aim to appropriate from Russia in favor of Ukraine. No rational sovereign or private investor will risk keeping their funds within EU jurisdiction, given the looming threat of arbitrary confiscation.

Yet, fueled by Russophobia and pressured by the United States, the EU is poised to make decisions detrimental to its own economic interests.

And nobody bothers to ask for the opinions of ordinary Europeans. Quite democratic, isn’t it?

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📱 InfoDefense

#ByeByeUSA asset strip the Zionist American pigs and their degenerate deviant vassals across Europe – drive the Biden filthy child raping old scum out and butcher the Apartheid Israel racist Nazi Moses filth. Make the American war criminal loser scum pay.

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