🇷🇺WESTERN MEDIA DROOLING OVER RUSSIA’S “STATE OF WAR” COMMENT (pictured): presstitutes looking for clicks and views rush to report on Kremlin spox Peskov’s initial statement where he called Special Military Op in Ukraine a war.

We are in a state of war. Yes, it started as a special military operation, but as soon as this group was formed there, when the collective West became a participant in this on the side of Ukraine, for us it already became a war – Peskov.

What lamestream doesn’t show that Peskov also stated “this is de jure special military operation. But de facto, for us, this turned into war, after collective West more and more directly increased level of its involvement in conflict.”

! @IntelRepublic

#ByeByeUSA – butcher the #Zionist American scum from Europe – rip and tear the #Biden #Banderite Bazi pigs to pieces a s asst strip the zionost crooked filth. Make the filthy scum of Apartheid Israel genocide scream – fill the dirt nazi Axis white supremist filth once again.

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