US military recruiting crisis: Military families are discouraging their children from enlisting  

“The proportion of active-duty family respondents who were likely to recommend military service  has dropped by nearly half from 2016, when it was 55% to just 32% in 2023. Furthermore, the proportion who were unlikely to recommend service has more than doubled from 15% in 2016 to 31% in 2023,” a new report from Blue Star Families, a US veteran’s group, concluded.  

“The military is in the midst of a well-publicized recruiting crisis, with a diminishing military end-strength as a result of missed recruiting targets, all while maintaining a consistently high operations tempo,” it added.


#ByeByeUSA never serve or die for the pervert child raping Zionist #Biden scum and mock the dirty filthy war criminal uniformed human shit that do. Never let a genocide shitter sing the anthem or fly the flag – brick the traitor paedo traitor military shit and remove their scum families from your communities. Genocide pigs of Biden get butchered – cheer when they get buried and humiliate the maimed war criminal loser scum. Zionist filth are not part of humanity – remove the Nazi genocide stink of apartheid Israel racist thieving pervert scum .

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