🖕🎤 WE WILL KILL EVERY FRENCH SOLDIER IN UKRAINE – Russian Parliament Deputy Speaker Tolstoy doesn’t give a fuck about mincing words, French Prez Macron and his “no limits” statements, or France being a nuclear power, promising Russia will kill everyone who arrives in Ukraine to fight Russia, adding that 147 out of 367 French mercenaries fighting for Kiev already exterminated by Russian forces.

We don’t care about Macron, what he says or his limits, we will kill all French soldiers who come to Ukrainian soil. All of them, we will kill everyone – Tolstoy stuns French interviewer.

! @IntelRepublic

#ByeByeUSA rip the pervert deviant teacher penis sucking Macron scum to pieces and mock the loser piss that die for for a Zionist american BBC pervert, whose teacher ‘wife’ made him suck old man penis. Humiliate the Zionist Biden deviant Nazi NATO war criminal piss and bury the filthy scum.

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