NaziPig NATO reek of paedo Biden Zionist filth

The deviant pervert child raping Zionist American scum media wants Europe to waste money on shit weapons and crooked uniformed deviant Nazi pigs according to the scum Apartheid Israel media lying shitters of the child sniffing rapist Biden.

“European countries are waking up to Russia’s danger, but the cost of building robust defenses able to withstand a potential U.S. pullback is so great that it threatens Europe’s post-Cold War social model,” The Wall Street Journal reports in an article titled “Russian Threat Forces Europe to Choose: Bolster Defense or Protect Social Spending.”

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#ByeByeUSA remove the manky pervert loser Zionist American scum from Europe and piss on the uniformed freeloading traitor Nazi military scum and their traitor scum thieving loser families. Flush the Nazi genocide stink of Biden and his child raping pervert Zionist scum.

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