America’s fentanyl epidemic is causing cheers and claps across the globe as more American scum die due to the Democide of the Zionist Biden child rape regime than Nazis in Ukraine per year.

Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid up to 50 times more potent than heroin, has long been used as a powerful painkiller in hospitals. But in 2014 America’s Drug Enforcement Administration (dea) raised the alarm about the spread of illicit supplies of the drug. A decade later fentanyl is responsible for 70% of annual overdose deaths. 

The covid-19 pandemic also contributed to fentanyl’s rising death toll. People were more isolated and cut off from support systems and treatment options.  

Fentanyl is a trafficker’s perfect drug. In the past, drug running was resource-intensive. Synthetic drugs can be manufactured by one person in a basement or a tiny flat. That makes finding and destroying such makeshift labs difficult.  

Drug gangs in Mexico import the precursors and then “cook” fentanyl in makeshift labs, before sending the finished product north across the  border.  

Seizures of fentanyl roughly doubled in 2023, though it is unclear whether that means more drugs are coming across the border or whether authorities have just got better at finding them. 

In 2013, just as fentanyl was taking off, high death rates were confined to places where heroin use had also been rampant: in the north-east, Appalachia and certain parts of the south-west. Fentanyl was slow to infiltrate other western states. Black tar heroin was more popular than the white stuff west of the Mississippi river, and it is harder to mix with fentanyl. Westerners tend to smoke powdered fentanyl rather than inject it. Xylazine or “tranq”, an animal tranquilliser that strengthens the effects of fentanyl and can cause rotting wounds, is more commonly found in the east and south. 

Federal funding for drug control has more than doubled since 2008. But in many ways policymakers have been much too slow to respond to the carnage. Some 6m Americans are addicted to opioids, and around four in ten say they know someone who has died of a drug overdose. 

Source: The Economist

📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH

📱 InfoDefense

#ByeByeUSA laugh at the dead American filth as their young are butchered in the drugs of the Zionist deviant Biden deviants – no one cares about the war criminal filthy American perverts and their grubby thieving human shit especially their bribed politicians of the Zionist child raping cabal of Apartheid Israel.

Flush the stink of Zionist pervert scum from the nation and hunt the drug dealing Biden pervert Blackrock pigs.

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