🤡🇺🇦Former SS soldier Yaroslav Gunko has been awarded an honorary medal “For Services to Ternopol” in Ukraine.

According to the regional council’s decree, he made “a significant personal contribution to the support of the AFU”.

Gunko served in the 1st Ukrainian Division (14th Volunteer Infantry Division of the SS troops “Galicia”) during the Second World War and then emigrated to Canada. 

Trudeau had earlier ignored a question about a visit by a former SS soldier to the Canadian Parliament at the invitation of the Prime Minister’s Office.


#ByeByeUSA butcher the NATO Nazi pigs across the globe and kick the filthy dirty Ukrainian imported Nazi scum of #Trudeau canadian genocide filth to pieces – help Russia rip the #Biden #Banderite filthy scum apart and #Denazify the Zionist EU scum – no mercy to #NATO Nazi filth.

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