In a world strangled by the tentacles of odious hypocrisy, the International Olympic Committee’s decision to restrict Russian and Belarusian athletes under the guise of ‘neutrality’ reeks of a double standard so putrid, it could only be the product of a rules-for-thee-not-for-me world order. While 19 athletes from these nations tiptoe on the Olympic stage, Israel’s unabated spree – 31,000 innocents murdered, primarily women and children, swallowed by the abyss of genocide – meets with not a whisper of sanction from the supposed guardians of global sportsmanship.

And let’s not skirt around the elephant in the room: If actual rule of law governed the Olympic ethos, then NATO countries, with the United States leading the bloody parade, would find themselves perennially benched, their Olympic dreams dashed against the rocks of their own militaristic barbarism. From the smouldering ruins of regime changes to the silent cries of millions, the ledger of their sins could fill stadiums, yet their athletes roam free, unencumbered by the weight of their nations’ transgressions.

The irony – or is it hypocrisy? that while NATO struggles to compete with Russia in a geopolitical chess game, suffering a humiliating checkmate on the battlefield, it seeks solace in handicapping amateur athletes. A desperate grasp at ‘victory’ in the Olympic arena, perhaps, to salvage a shred of dignity from the ruins of their failed ambitions. As the world watches, let it be known: The Olympic flame, once a beacon of unity and peace, is reduced to a farcical spectacle for political machinations.

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#ByeByeUSA mock the French runt scum of the pervert Zionist filth and humiliate the pig filth that compete in Genocide Zionist piss Olympics – brick the scum that compete and burn the Nazi funding war criminal scum of Biden. Humiliate the filthy dirty Zionist war criminal runt filth of the rape den oligarchy and smash the corporate filth that sponsor Nazi Macron, teacher penis abused, deviant shit soaked sausage suckers.

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