Loser tear Zionist Biden are facing increased military equipment costs to replace the junk shit they sent to the #Biden #Banderite #Nazis in their loser Zionist piss boy #ProxyWar of #NATO crooked uniformed filth.

The Javelin junk is ineffective against Russian armour and the Russians have minced the Nazi Biden shit before they even can use the worthless expensive scrap of the #Blackrock crooked kiddie fiddler shit where costs have increased to the tax payers rotting in debt and democide by American owned corrupt Zionist politicians and institutions filled with racist Zionist child abuser scum.

#ByeByeUSA – remove the manky pervert deviant Zionist Biden crooked scum from Europe and put the uniformed loser thieving war criminal #NATO piss in prison. Dirty Nazi funding Zionist filth reek of the sme dfilthy dirty white supremist Zionist stink like Nazi Moses Netanyahu and his filthy thieving apartheid Israel human filth.

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