The grubby pervert Zionist Biden scum, who cancelled elections in Ukraine, and appoint grubby runty little puss stink like Sunak and Macron in their vassal are sad as Putin won an election by a landslide while the NATO filth cling to power using their Nazi child abuser institutions of corrupt dirty Zionist thieving filth. The runty little possibly Zelensky clings to power using his Nazi Asov dirty racist pigs paid for by the CIA child raping scum traitors who steal from their own nation and abuse children in Zionist filth rape dens.

The sad nappy shitter Biden and his loser NATO filth are joke of the Epstein child raping billionaires who abused American children in Aparyheid Israel rape dens. No freedom or democracy in the Zionist shit soaked scum zones of the NATO war criminal `genocide filth.

#ByeByeUSA – butcher the American pervert crooked filth from Europe and asset strip their Zionist dirty crooked paedo racist scum – no tolerance of the shit of the American loser scum.

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