Rishi Sunak says Sir Keir Starmer’s values are ‘not those of the British people’ – the runty migrant crooked dwarf piss boy of the Zionist scum showed what filthy dirty scum the #Tory Zionist genocide racist filth are. The crooked manky scum is despised like the child raping royals the dirty paedo Zionist rape gang shit stain filth he represents – the little twat has to hide from the people.

Rishi Sunak claimed Sir Keir Starmer’s values are “not those of the British people” after the Labour leader accused him of being “scared” to call an election.

Mr Sunak said his “working assumption” remains that a general election will take place in the second half of the year, following taunts by Sir Keir at the beginning of Prime Minister’s Questions.

After the Prime Minister said the wait means Sir Keir has “got time to come up with a plan for Britain”, the Labour leader replied: “We are ready. Just call it.”

Sir Keir added Mr Sunak is “so diminished” that his “entire focus is on stopping his MPs holding the sword of Damocles above his head, perhaps even literally” in the case of Commons Leader and rumoured Tory leadership replacement Penny Mordaunt, who carried the Sword of State during the King’s coronation ceremony.

Mr Sunak responded to his Rwanda deportation plan for asylum seekers being labelled a “gimmick” by claiming Labour “don’t actually care about fixing this issue”.

He went on to highlight Labour’s opposition to Government legislation aimed at tackling people smuggling gangs, adding 900 people have been arrested and 450 convicted.

Mr Sunak said of Sir Keir: “If it was up to him, those criminals would still be out on our streets and the truth is, if he wasn’t the Labour leader he’d still want to be their lawyer.”

The Labour leader countered: “I have prosecuted more people smugglers than he’s had helicopter rides – and that’s a lot.

“The Rwanda gimmick is going to cost the taxpayer £2 million for every one of his 300 people that they deport. I know the Prime Minister likes to spend a lot on jet-setting but that’s some plane ticket.

“It’s the cost of Tory chaos and it’s working people who are paying the price.”


#ByeByeUSA – flush the stink of American vassal runts and tax the Tory scum to the foodbanks – drag the #Covid lying filth from their beds and deliver justice to the skulls of the genocide Zionist piss.

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