Putin following a landslide election result will be in power for six more years and pledged support to Palestine against the racist perverted deviant imported colonialist zionist scum of America.

Putin said it was a ‘sacred duty’ to support #Palestine and remove the dirty nazi village imported fake semite filth, like #Netanyahu, a racist Polish crooked bigoted murdering thief and his related nazi Moses filthy satanic evil deviants .

The Genocide Israeli scum are despised across the globe and it is only the crooked pervert zionist filth that infest the western institutions that keep the bankrupt thieving worthless crooked Israel regime of human filth afloat. However, those manky scum are being targeted in their businesses and will be in their mansions until the filth have to leave the western nations – there is no tolerance of Apartheid Israeli scum in the West and this will increase to remove the racist crooked #Genocide clapping scum and their families.

Every 100 days the Zionist American scum debt increases by One Trillion Dollars and soon there will be no money for their imported european colonialist racist murdering Israeli scum – the Arab nations will retake #Palestine as will starve and drive the Zionist scum into the dirt – faced with starvation and poverty for generations the imported thieving satanic white supremist European racist filth will soon leave.

#FreePalestine is sung in every city and the Zionist owned political class have to hide from the rage of the people and soon the mansion dwelling scum will face justice and be dragged from their beds.

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