The sad dirty freeloading crooked thieving< pig of the Zionist paedo American regime of filth, Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin, assessing the ability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) to conduct combat operations in the winter, noted that they have all the necessary resources for this.

Thick House Clown


This thick flabby pig of the loser #Biden child sniffing rapist has been bent over and arse raped for almost two years to the point where the #Raytheon crooked installed plantation pig is a national joke – the world looks at the dirty shitter of the Zionist oligarchy and crooked Jewish dwarf penis licker as the two nonce shitters that ended the American bum chum empire.

Laugh at the fat flabby pig as he sends more dirty ukronazi shitters to die for a dirty coke head Jew and his Zionist kiddie fiddler oligarch pigs..filthy dirty pervert American filth.

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