The dirty American Zionist filth murdered innocent Palestinian babies by suffocation in their #Genocide for the dirty child sniffing rapist #Biden and his human shit #Zionist regime of dirty nazi pigs.

The world sees the satanic Israeli shit colonialist filthy animals for the dirty American anal warts they are and the American empire is finding that it’s usual threats are being met by mockery and a drone up the anus of their cowardly free loading nazi bum chum military.

The American pugs when faced with their filthy pigs being butchered will run away, like Kabul, and then the human shit of Israel will face their crimes against humanity.

Hunt the dirty war criminal filthy American Zionist paedo scum and spit in the faces of the Biden military and their baby killing families. Never let an American pig forget their genocide and flush their dirty Nazi Zionist state of human filth.

Help Russia and China remove the dirty stinking stench of dirty paedo Biden and his flabby ugly Zionist Nazi scum .

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