NED racist Zionist pig shit

The loser MAGA war criminal parasites who were left with no balls, limbs or severe mental issues by their war crimes across the world are dirty filthy bunch at best. The pigs that bombed babies and raped in the trafficked child and women abuse dens across the globe voted in their hordes for Trump.

In same week that the dirty rapist Epstien Island deviant pig gave $8Bn of their money to a dirty Polish anal raping Zionist bummer Netanyahu, he shafted the veteran serf losers that murder for the Zionist pigs.

Trump promised “America First” but after receiving over $100M from an ugly widow pig fcking casino racist racist depraved pig twat slut, dumped the loser piss in uniform.

Trump gives billions to racist anal sausage
pipe sucking genocide Nazi fake Semite crusty twats

On instruction from the dirty porn shagger rapist the Department of Veterans Affairs today announced the dismissal of more than 1,000 employees that help veterans and the fat flabby dirty deviant aims to get rid of another 43,000.

The flushed MAGA clowns provided mission-critical positions supporting benefits and services for VA beneficiaries. The dismissals, many of whom are anlso veterans were made effective immediately and part of purge of workers that provide service to the People by the Trump oligarch regime of child raping Zionist Epstein billionaire paedophiles such as Kung Foo Musk and Rape Island Gates.

Trump reeks of Polish Netanyahu shit pipe as he has the rape den Mossad Epstein paedophile tapes – dirty pig

”It’s the right call to better support the Veterans, families caregivers, and survivors the department exists to serve,” said VA Secretary Doug Collins wanking his Nazi dick off as he explained removing people provide support to veterans would make better support …. Only the thick MAGA shit believe this wank that is similar to the Tariffs gibber of the orange rapist as MAGA thick shit too stupid to realise it’s they that pay the import taxes.

Ultimately no one cares about the war criminal loser stink uniformed baby killing pig veteran rapist Zionist shitters – the filth loser piss we’re spanked and humiliated wherever the liar parasites who waste $1 trillion per year on grubby dirty Zionist wars. One insider said, sooner these these shite die and their families bury the mass murdering rape den shit the better.”

Israel First Trump pisses on the loser Zionist pig meat.

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