In another development, the Polish fake semite imported American clown Netanyahu, has had to admit his loser genocide colonialist army has failed and is forced to drag more reserves to be humiliated in Palestine. The ‘quick’ war to destroy a people, is now a long war and the Zionist entity regime of racist apartheid has to now repeatedly take a begging bowl to the bankrupt Zionist bribed Americans for more money.

From mass bombing of civilians using billions of dollars of Zionist American supplied weapons to massive loans from the Zionist European banks has not stopped the collapse of the Israeli Genocide state economy as its GDP is destroyed.

With the loser pervert Zelensky being #Denazified in Ukraine , the #Demilitarisation of #NATO and the media exposing the depraved actions of his anal raping #IDF, in abusing civilians the Zionist American racist are the only nation that can stomach the stench of depravity of the Zionist state, where even its corrupt vassals are realising the Zionist American empire of genocide anal raping depraved colonialism is done.

Netanyahu, who will be removed for corruption the moment the genocide ceases, will keep milking the loser Zionist Americans to stay in power as there are enough corrupt bribed depraved Senators and Congressman, primarily from the Epstein rape dens and ‘fundraiser’ billionaire Zionist corrupt class, who don’t mind a depraved anal raping racist apartheid name changing colonialist genocide, after all look at what their ancestors did..

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