The Epstien Island nonce President Trump signed another wankboy little dick Zionst pug Executive Order allowing the United States to withdraw from the top U.N. human rights body and will not resume funding for the U.N. agency helping Palestinian refugees subject to genocide by the Polish imported Nazi Netanyahu and his anal raping white supremist satanic Zionst anal pigs.

Considering his nation, red or blue, is infested with the anal abuser racist Netanyahu thieving perverted shit and the Americans have child abuser and racist raping fake Semite Nazi pig oligarchs owning and infesting its institutions, this is not that supprising.
The U.S. UN Human Rights Council last year when providing billions to bomb Palestinians using their supplied aircraft with thousands of US military personnel participating in the Israel genocide. , and has also stopped funding the agency assisting Palestinian refugees ensuring more death and ethnic cleansing by the imported Nazi village racist Zionist scum. , known as UNRWA.

The dirty Epstien Isand running fat crooked Polish twat Netanyahu whose pigs butchered hundreds of their own people on Oct 7 (Hannibal cannibal directive) to start the genocide using their ISIS Hamas funded CIA shitters did the usual zionsit paedo genocide lies of ‘dead babies and raped lying Zionist shitter military whores’ when the reality it is fake Semite pigs that do the raping and kill the babies. American unipolar shit head lying pigs condensed in the filthy animals of Hitler’s villages imported to another people’s nation and allowed to butcher for the white colonlalist scum that rape their own children in Mossad ran rape dens.

The antisemitic Netanyahu and his east European klu klux klan of demented deviant pervert satanic pigs have merged with the dirty evangelical Christian American rapture evil rats despite Zionism mocking their beloved Jesus as a ‘naughty boy’. Not supprising from the lying war criminal genocide American shit that don’t read the Bibles they profess to follow. Satanic child abusing deviant godless pigs is probably what Jesus would say to the Polish Nazi Netanyahu Epstien compromised paedo oligarch Trump and the genocide evangelical evil deviants on a one way trip to hell no matter how much the pig repents. Jesus hates Nazis more than Zionists as those pigs know they are burning – evil filthy dirty white supremist pigs.

Trump’s executive orders also called for a review of American involvement in the Paris-based U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, known as UNESCO, adding to the Zionst pig shit leaving the United Nations- after all a fat orange paedo currently funding Nazis in Ukraine and fake Nazi villagers in Palestine reeks of Hitler penis stokes.

dirty racist Nazi village anal abusers
The deluded flabby twat think the United States pays for the UN, it doesn’t less than 22%, and it is time to get the pig stink of Israel First Trump and the anal raping zionst pigs out your nations . Only elect leaders that will flush the baby killing anal abuser American Zionist shit and humiliate their dirty pugs. American and the Zionist filth are not part of humanity – just satanic evil genocide racist white supremist anal raping paedo scum.

Israel like Biden will cost Trump the mid terms not that the fake Semite rapist ethnic cleansing fake Semite Zionists will care they own red and blue paedophile crooked politicians. Gentiles are less to them than the Palestinians they rape and murder.
Remove the Zionist satanic pigs while you can or face the same fate as victims of anal rapist Netanyahu and his satanic Mossad filthy Nazi village Epstien child raping shit.