Israel First Trump, the manky Epstien island rape den dweller of the Mossad oligarch child abuser ring, proposed that his American war criminal baby killer military. losers take over Gaza after the fake Semite IDF genocide filthy shit were arse raped by Hamas.

The imported Nazi village fake Semite Zionist loser begging tramp pigs have been bombing and raping Palestinians for decades and now their demented white slapper sluts, that shit out racist pig shit, have run out of filth to die for Polish bummer Netanyahu and his flabby pig white supremist fake Semite piss.

The orange paedo, who takes bribe money from oligarch pig fucking zionst mafia old slappers and child abuser World Economic forum Epstien bummers and paedo proppsed ethnic cleansing to the shill media of the rape oligarchs. The media shit just bent over and took dirty fake smite Nazi pig sausage in their anus suck is the state of journalism.

The flabby white shagging pussy grabber saidd that ‘ all Palestinians there — about two million people — should leave, describing a permanent relocation to one or more sites funded by “countries of interest with humanitarian hearts.” as the anal rapist Netanyahu dirty Polish pig wanker his little dick off.

The lying Epstien compromised whore shagger of the Mossad paedo ring tried to frame genocide and ethnic cleansing as a ‘humanitarian imperative’ similar to Hitler’s holocaust methods.
The war criminal genocide porn star anal humper then demanded his vassal zionst penis sucking runts in Jordan and Egypt to take in the Palestinians as the Netanyahu murdering shit take over their lands and the dirty Trump family profits with his Jerad ‘Hunter’ Kushner making millions.

Jordan and Egypt have stated that neither state wants large numbers of Palestinians refugees and never mind the Palestinians who have been fighting the imported Nazi village push installed after the Second World War by Europe who hate the filthy anal abuser shit.

In fact, the fight would continue against the bummer Zionist pigs as Israel is just another pig shit scum vassal of the American empire that is being arse raped in Ukraine. Watching American shit be bombed, shit and sent home limbless again will be hilarious – losing your dick for Netanyahu inbred Nazi village twats is so funny.
The globe mocked the fate orange pig and his Polish fake Semite wanker Nazi immediately rejected the suggestion, and the global reaction was immediate and condemned the stormy shagger.
The thick racist American loser even suggested the Americans could help Palestinians “find the right piece of land” and “build them some really nice places.” And in a veiled threatening more genocide and anal rape the flabby orange rape den pig said . “I don’t think people should be going back to Gaza,” .. “Gaza is not a place for people to be living.”

It is clear that the genocide will continue as long as the Zionist American shit infest Eurasia – only elect leaders that will remove the American shit from your nations and bury their corporate scum – never let an American anal raping Zionist pig sleep without worrying. Filthy dirty white supremist anal raping paedo shit reek – remove the anti-Semitic fake Semite Nazi village pig shit.
More billions to be given to the Netanyahu inbred racist pig shit that thick Jesus was a wanker … sad dirty MAGA scum spunked anally again. Loser piss elected another Israel First satanic evil rape den pig.