The flabby dirty pervert Gates, of the Zionist Netanyahu child abuser rape dens of Epstien, and infested with CIA dirty Mossad anal raping fake Semite paedophiles, said in a WEF pig bummer Nazi TED presentation “we” could reduce world population if we do a great job on new vaccines”.

The Zionist Israel First scum oligarchy and the child raping Rothschild Zionist World Economic Forum are up to little dirty paedo dicks in the USAID fraud that Musk and Trump had exposed.

The deep state pervert scum that murdered their own people in the Plandemic genocide, hid the invermectin cure and installed a nappy shitting demented old piss as President so they could murder the planet – the stink of the Zionist pigs reeks from USAID. It is time to decapitate the Deep State and burn the Epstien child raping Zionist pigs alive.

Deep State Zionist scum infest American society

The facts are there billions flushed through the CIA traitor paedophiles, all the media owned by the child raping Epstien island rapists and all linked to the Nazi village imported racist shit of Netanyahu and his racist genocide mental anal abusing perverted human excrement. H

Americans have been a melting pot of Zionist scum mass murder for decades across the globe with their pervert rapist piss from Bush, Obama and the daughter showering incest piss crooked gimp Biden and his slut traitor whore.

USAID funded COVID Biolabs Illegally

The Zionist pig oligarchy didn’t stop their genocide and/or democide on foreigners, who it needs to be “enemies” of Freedom and Democracy to fund the flag waving baby killing uniformed anal abuser military shit in uniform.

Ten American shite are too thick to realise as need to blame someone for the shit lives rotting for example, despite having the most expensive healthcare system, pay to play, more than half of Americans suffer from Chronic diseases.

The nation is , fed the contaminated oligarch paedo additive filled food, are mostly overweight or obese, 25% of American women are on antidepressants from the oligarch pharma scum and 40% of teenagers have a mental health illness diagnosis due to diet of drugs, porn and social media insanity.

Zionist Epstien Paedophiles

The contaminated food and forced jabs has also resulted in one in 36 children have autism and on the whole, children born in the US have a 76% higher risk of death before reaching adulthood compared to 19 other democratic nations.

Hopefully, Trump will expose the Zionist genocide oligarchy and butcher the Deep State traitor scum that take bribed from child abuser satanic Zionist pigs.

If not, facing their inevitable demise to the hands of ugly flabby dirty rapist Gates and his Zionist anal abusing pigs, the people will have to rise up and butcher the billionaires and their grubby dirty Zionist child raping pigs.

American rots on Zionist Oligarch paedo hell

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