The grubby rapist of the Netanyahu Zionist abuse dens of Epstien Island and New York gave billions and bombs to the genocide fake Semite imported Nazi village pigs in Palestine. Israel First in the mantra of the Epstien Trump twat that was given millions by a fat ugly pig fucking casino mafia whore slut of the Israeli agents that infest Zionist American. The depraved dirty Israeli pig pevert shit infest the American oligarchs and the MAGA scum suck the shit pipe of Netanyahu whores and anal abusers.
The Orange Twat was elected by promising no more wars, no more chap workers and that his tariffs (import taxes) would make his allies not Americans pay and the thick genocide shit that arm Israel to bomb and anally rape Palestinians believed the lying Epstien paedophile Island dirty twat. However the lying fat wanker and his Project 25 Rape den Zionist pig bummers were lying as it is the American pig that pays for Israel First Trump shit.

His first victims, Canada and Mexico disagreed and despise the racist white suprenist white shagging flabby pig and they both imposed taxes on American goods, that were already expensive, ensuring that only the Red State shit, that elected the raping bloater, would pay for their Zionist oligarch rapist as more exports for Trump pig shit.
In addition instead of Canadians and Mexicans paying, the MAGA serf shit of chidk raping oligarchs realised it was American consumers and businesses would have to pay the Trump tariffs on Canadian and Mexican imports which means all the Zionist American shit heads pay from the traitor Israel first fake Christian satanic evangelical pigs to the MAGA racist shit that hate migrants but need them for cheap food and labour.

“I don’t expect anything dramatic,” Trump told reporters as he returned to Washington from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. “They owe us a lot of money, and I’m sure they’re going to pay.”
Canadians thought otherwise as the genocide American anthem was booed at ice hockey games and American shit products were from there shelves as Trudeau mock the pig shit Zionist Trump and his Netanyahu bummer bribed paedo oligarchs. Anti-American Zionist pig movements are being set up in every nations and all American scum will be abused and humiliated in their nations. Get the American genocide shit head piss shirked with Nazis – ‘Yankee go home’ will be message given to the genocide pig shit of the Zionist scum.

The fat whore shagging racist Trump had ignored his own runt wanker critics who advised the thick piss MAGA shit that Trump imposing 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico and 10% tariffs on China will would global growth and drive prices higher for Americans who are poor as shit.
“We may have short term some little pain, and people understand that. But long term, the United States has been ripped off by virtually every country in the world,” said the dirty shit that sucks of Netanyahu dirty fat racist bitches and demented anal pigs of the Mossad bummers.
The pain will come to the MAGA loser Zionist genocide scum . U.S. oil prices jumped more than $2, while gasoline futures jumped more than 3%.

The mid terms campaigning will soon begin and the Israel First rape den Netanyahu anal pig will be flushed with his slut whore pig fucking fake Semite shit oligarchs. Make the American Trump paedo shit feel pain and remove the Netanyahu shit filth that have his child abuser rape den videos with the rest of his dirty pervert oligarchy. .