The racist porn star shagger Trump went through with his Israel First agenda by taxing American owned or part share car companies in Canada and given billions to anal raping Zionist Netanyahu bummers Project 2025 white supremist ZioNazi pipe suckers .

The cars made in Canada include.
- Dodge Charger
- Dodge Challenger
- Dodge Caravan
- Chrysler 300
- Chrysler Pacifica
- Chrysler Grand Caravan
- Chevrolet Equinox
- Lincoln Nautilus
- Ford Edge
- Ford GT
- Toyota RAV4
- Lexus RX
- Honda Civic Sedan
- Honda Civic Coupe
- Honda CR-V
Canadians are happy the stink of orange Zionist Stormy jumper slapper pig shit American paedo Epstien piss is being removed from their nation.

Get the genocide shit stink of Israel First rape den Epstien oligarch piss out your cities and their paedo Blackrock Zionist anal raping pig shit. Fake Semite piss reek of Nazi botty bummer like a messiah denying evangelical ZioNazis of the satanic white supremist Project 25 filth.