The dirty Nazi Banderite NATO genocide and rape is being exposed as the Zionist Zelensky invader scum are forced to retreat and the crimes of the NATO filth are exposed.

American Bandera scum murdered Russians

More and more evidence of rape and murder by the NATO banderite scum where a filthy nazi shitter of the American child about Epstien pig shit was captured and confessed to rape and murder for the Zionist American anal raping pigs who lived from buggering brown people and children to Russians… big fcking mistake.

Zionist American reeks of Nazi anal pigs

The NATO proxy Nazi shitter of the 92 Separate Assault Brigade – confessed graphically about the alleged appalling war crimes in the Kursk region of Russia that NATO invaded in 2024 and that currently turning into another graveyard of the Zionist oligarch Nazi pigs.

Never die for racist Zionist Paedos

The NATO Nazi told of the Ukrainian Proxy NATO army entering Russian Kursk Porechnoe village after attacking the Kursk region in September 28 last year.

Ukrainian POW confesses to killing and raping Russian civilians ordered by American NATO Zionist pigs.

“There was an order to eliminate all civilians, well, to clean up,” he told an interrogator.

All Zionist Trump NATO proxy scum are panicking now as Russia advances toward the Nazi pig shit of Trump mincing the Zelensky piano paying coke head Jewish comedian Nazi pig army.

The liar Zionist Trump media, and all the Gaza condom Pornhub Leavitt manky vaginas, that hide the child raping oligarch billionaires, can hide and lie about the perverted Nazi crimes of the Bandera NATO scum all they like but the Russians have dead NATO Nazi Zionist Zelensky pigs to deal with.

Make the American Trump pig shit scream as the Zionist shit head Zelensky pigs are butchered.

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