Holocaust denial is commonly associated with certain racist propaganda, and is illegal in several European countries. The NATO Nazi funding perverts of the G7 losers have made attempts to hide their genocide using Banderite scum and worse off all the filthy white supremist scum hide the Zionist genocide in Palestine using their fake Semite paedophile oligarchs.

Russia has spent last three years and more of its nations young butchering the Nazi saluting pigs of NATO and their Banderite Asov filth that are armed by Zionist American and their vassals including the Netanyahu paedophile.

The pervert anal raping Netanyahu fake Semite Nazi village racist scum in Palestine have been carriyibg out one since the Oct 7 Hannibal attack by IDF and the Hamas terrorists.

Due to the levels of perverts and grubby racist murderous Zionist filth in many institutions around the globe especially in America where Israel Mossad ran rape dens abusing Christian children in a multi billion pedophile ring that Presidents, politicians, dirty fake Christian evangelical perverts and media scum raped and abused in.

This was all done with the filth of the Israeli Mossad scum and their figures such as Epstien and Diddy filming in a Zionist paedophile ring that caused trillions in USAID fraud to be sent to Netanyahu anal raping racist pigs of the Knesset.

In addition, the deviant Zionist scum that infest America used their media and agents in the CIA and FBI to ensure that no one exposed the deviant dirty paedophiles, anal abuse and rape. The payment for the protection from their depraved – hide the genocide of the fake Semite racist thieving imported scum of Europe sent to murder Palestine using millions of pigs and pervert racist Nazi village white supremist scum of Europe hiding behind Judaism and satanic deviant lies of pigs that anally rape Palestinians (and Christian American children) that infest their institutions especially the religious ones.

Calls are now being made to governments to launch a public consultation into Zionist murder, paedophiles and prosecute all those dirty lying crooked human paedophile racist who deny Israel genocide denial examples such as Tommy Piss boy currently rotting in prison.
This would bring some sort resolution to Christian and muslim Palestinians murdered by racist deviant satanic colonialist pigs and the Christians children raped in the Epstein and Diddy paedo Mossad ran pervert rings.

Calls to add the Isreali pervert fake Semite genocide to the 27 January 2021 Holocaust Memorial Day, a day of commemoration to the dead and suffering of the racist pevert shit of the Nazi villages and their descendants.

A point must be made about the scourge of Holocaust denial by Israel, Nazi groups such ans Zelensky’s bandera shit and its deviant Zionist American paedophile oligarchy that include Nazi saluting Epstien paedos.

Remove the genocide Zionist American pervert dirty and their corporate Blackrock paedophiles from your nations and remind the filthy Zionist scum that they are the same as Nazis – hunt the IDF baby killing shit and bury the racist pugs like the Bandera Nazis in Ukraine. American pig shit is finished remove the dirty shit and mock the flabby paedo Epstien rapist Trump and his scum pig paedo family.