As the dirty stink of filthy anal raping IDF bumming Palestinian prisoners floats and the American fake Christian evangelical satanic scum giving 2,000 lb bombs to murder babies the world looks at a pig American Christian and wonder has his anal raping paedo Nazi shit read the New Testament ? One sad dirty racist flabby Nazi pig hasn’t along with whore shagger Trump.

Look at the flabby ugly latest Epstien pig Donald Trump who announced the appointment of pro-genocide former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee as the US ambassador to Israel and his satanic anal abuser Netanyahu clapper pig whore family of fake Christian genocide clapping lying racist pig shit.

The dirty pig shit Evangelicals suck the dirty shit pipe of the Zionist fake Semite scum who don’t accept Jesus as the Messiah which rather makes these fake Christian Evangelical satanic anal suckers.

Having seen the arse raping and murder by the Netanyahu Polish Nazi village imported fake Semite piss one cannot but disagree – these evangelical anal pigs are not Christians.
The fat flabby satanic evil racist loves his dirty evil Zionist scum and the old pervert knows many of the Netanyahu Epstien oligarchy scum that were raping American Christian children in the Epstien rape dens. A filthy evil paedo occult sect shitter of the dirty fake Semite Zionist pig scum.
Filthy genocide old evangelical demented satanic American fake Christian scum reek of the same stink as Hitler’s filth like the bandera shit these genocide American evil bummers suck off.

Jesus likely thinks this evil pig reeks like the anal raping Netanyahu Polish bummer Netanyahu and his dirty racist imported European colonialist thieving pig scum – fake American Christian are just the satanic vile evil whore of the child raping Zionist pigs. The evangelical shit are dirtier and more pervert than any Nazi or Zionist fake Semite grifting east European milking American USAiD.
No practising Jew would ever be a Zionist and no practising Christian would suck genocide child raping Netanyahu satanic penis – but Trump and his Projech 2025 Nazi piss do.
The ZioNazi Trump anal raping porn shagging paedo shit are white supremist satanic snot that suck lucifers shit pipe.

Hell waits for the fat evangelical non messiah shitters – Jesus will ensure these fat fake Christian genocide pig shit the burn with Hitler’s pig scum.

No tolerance of dirty ZioNazi pigs and humiliate satanic evangelical evil shitters / Satans piss neither practising Christians or Jews – just polishing Lucifers bell end.