The dirty pervert Epstien Starmer deviant and his grubby media outlet filled with Zionist paedophiles and racist anal abuser fake Semite Netanyahu scum, keeps the Trump loser American lies on how much their NATO loser Proxy War is being lost.

The child abuser media shit that suck paedo Zionist MI6 bummers propaganda like a Kamala, are having to make up death rates and blame Korea for their Zelensky crooked pig defeats.
The unnamed wank ‘Western officials’ losers whose Blackrock scum have been blown to pieces have said have the alleged ‘North Korean troops have already suffered nearly 40% casualties in the fighting’, the reality is Ukronazi invasion of Kursk where the UK trained military were arse rapped in another loser offensive.

No bodies or evidence was given to the media of the Netanyahu genocide hiding scum so just more dirty war criminal gibber of the Starmer Epstein anal abuser scum.
The deluded deviant NATO nappy shitting idk scum went to state ‘These losses, if confirmed, are unsustainable by the North Koreans.’.
Do this dirty media lying bummer anal raping Zionist loser pigs not know the size of the Korean Army ?

The reality as the latest Korean artillery rips the NATO Banderite American shit pigs apart is the UKronazi death toll exceeds more than a million as the Banderite Nazi scum get sent to hell.
The invasion of Russian by the Zelensky scum had been a disaster as the NATO armed and trained were stopped, grabbed and ground into the Russia dirt.

Russians, very simply, intent is to keep the NATO losers sending their Nazi pigs into the grinder and butcher them in Russia for the world to see.
Another loser UK MoD clown, whose cry baby shitters were arse raped by the Taliban so bad PTSD is still killing the war criminal scum, whined with the white supremist superiority of cowardly worthless Epstien King twattery
“These are barely trained troops led by Russian officers who they don’t understand,” says the former British Army tank commander, Col Hamish de Bretton-Gordon.
This sad Zionist UK shit stain is a joke as clearly the NATO bummer shit have been humped in Kursk with dead NATO losers pigs littering the battlefield. No wonder these are arse shit Zionist losers ran from Iraq ! Just keep feeding in the Banderite pig meat Starmer – ukronazi Zionist piss reeks in the UK MoD of crooked loser incompetence.

The BBC based on this wankery continues to be hiding the loser Nazi pig stink of NATO, like it hides the dirty anal raping Netanyahu Israeli genocide, like it hide the child raping oligarchs of the Mossad Zionist Epstien paedophiles.

The media of the ZioNazi loser paedophile genocide Zionist scum for all to see – that is why the people of the UK want the Starmer pig removed and his paedo scum in prison.
Filthy lying loser Zionist media scum shit reek like a Netanyahu fake Semite Polish anal raping racist pig- remove the Zionist lying racist piss.