Israel after carrying out a genocide and ethnic cleansing like the Hitler Nazi villagers that the Polish pig shite Netanyahu and his scum brother were shit out of.

The loser perverted deviant scum of the Epstein paedophile Zionist American oligarchs throught they could beat Palestinians by imposing another Final Solution like their Hitler cousins.
The filthy dirty racist American armed pig shit were around as their military racist cowardly anal abuser IDF scum were burned, bombed and killed by the thousand causing the IDF scum, who murdered their own in the Hannibal Directive, to collapse as general after goes under investigation for crimes against humanity to join the Netanyahu and Knesset anal abuser Zionist human shit.

The Zionist scum had to bring back Trump in their election fraud bribed ZioNazi American state however since Russia is smashing the NATO loser Nazi pigs and Yemen humiliated trillions of dollars worthless USA Nazi losers Israel is realising its imported racist pig shit Nazi colonialist human shit will face justice.

The world under the ICC will prosecute the Israel genocide murdering scum and the corporate shit that helped the genocide and the dirty pervert fake Semite murdering shit will be hunted like Nazis.
Hitler may have got what he wanted …